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World News May 4, 2024

Easier to spread? A new form of mpox found in Congo’s biggest outbreak

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is grappling with its largest monkeypox outbreak, with a new variant detected in a mining town potentially making it more transmissible among humans. Since January, over 4,500 suspected cases and nearly 300 deaths have been reported, indicating a significant increase from last year. The outbreak has been declared a health emergency across the country.

Researchers analyzing cases in Kamituga, eastern DRC, found genetic mutations suggesting continued transmission among humans, notably in an area with minimal contact with wild animals, the assumed natural hosts of the disease. The new variant exhibits milder lesions, primarily on the genitals, complicating diagnosis. However, it appears to have a lower mortality rate.

The World Health Organization (WHO) noted that this variant may necessitate revised testing strategies due to mutations. Concerns arise as less than half of cases are tested, potentially leading to silent transmission. Sexual transmission has been identified as a significant mode of infection, particularly among sex workers, with previous research confirming sexual transmission in the DRC.

There are two clades of monkeypox, with the more severe Clade 1 causing up to 10% mortality, while Clade 2, responsible for the 2022 outbreak, has a high survival rate. Researchers identified a new form of Clade 1 in Kamituga, associated with numerous cases and fatalities.

Experts express concern over the virus adapting for efficient human spread, emphasizing the need for vaccines and treatments. While past outbreaks in the West were contained with vaccines and treatments, limited resources hinder similar efforts in the DRC. Efforts are underway to procure vaccines with assistance from donor countries.

The situation is reminiscent of earlier outbreaks, prompting comparisons to the early stages of HIV, highlighting challenges in addressing sexually transmitted infections and the reluctance of affected individuals to seek treatment.

Despite the ongoing spread, there has been a lack of financial investment from donors, further complicating response efforts.

Source – CGTN

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