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World News July 8, 2024

Crew of NASA’s simulated Mars habitat on Earth emerges after a year

A NASA mission crew emerged from a simulated Mars environment after spending over 12 months inside at Johnson Space Center in Houston. The four volunteers, Kelly Haston, Anca Selariu, Ross Brockwell, and Nathan Jones, participated in the Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA) project, which started on June 25, 2023.

The crew lived in a 17,000-square-foot 3D-printed habitat, conducting “Marswalks,” growing vegetables, and facing challenges like limited resources, isolation, and communication delays. Their mission aimed to simulate conditions for future Mars operations.

Two more CHAPEA missions are planned to continue gathering data on health and performance. Steve Koerner, deputy director of Johnson Space Center, highlighted the importance of their work on nutrition and performance as crucial preparation for future Mars missions.

The crew expressed gratitude for the experience and emphasized the importance of sustainable living. Brockwell, the flight engineer, stressed the need to use resources responsibly to achieve long-term exploration goals. Science officer Selariu explained the fixation on Mars as a unifying and inspiring step towards the future.

Source – CGTN

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