The documentary film “Peking Man, The Last Secret of Humankind,” jointly produced by China Media Group (CMG) and French partners, including France Televisions, premiered at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The film covers two million years of human evolution, showcasing the ancient stories of humans in East Asia. Shen Haixiong, President of CMG, highlighted the common destiny of humankind throughout history and emphasized the role of cultural transmission and knowledge exchange in human civilization. CMG is dedicated to promoting cultural works globally, and in celebration of the upcoming 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations and the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, plans for collaborative cultural and people-to-people exchange activities were announced. The documentary, utilizing the latest scientific research and technology, focuses on the prehistoric tale of the Asian Homo erectus “Peking Man” and will be broadcast on CMG’s documentary channel and France National Television 2 in 2024.
Source – CGTN